12/4 8th grade to Hamilton in SF- all day
12/5 7/8th grade to Geyserville Fish hatchery 9-2 pm
12/6 Occidental Tree Lighting 5- 7 pm outside the Altamont
12/7 Breakfast with Santa and Mrs Claus 8:30-10:30 am in the cafeteria
12/10 Safety Drill: Lockdown 11:30 am
12/11 6th Grade to SF Legion of Honor all day
12/12 HUSD Regular Board Meeting 7 pm Open Session
12/16 6th grade Gilgamesh dress rehearsal 1:30 pm
12/17 6th grade Gilgamesh- 11:15 am
12/18 Winter Festival
12/19 All staff Holiday Party- no aftercare
12/23-01/07 WINTER BREAK